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In a post-50 Shades of Grey world, a new audience is ready for Nancy Friday’s groundbreaking work on female sexual fantasies. Women on Top explores the changing face of sex and power dynamics through over 150 collected fantasies from real women.More than ever before, women everywhere are devouring the hottest stories from behind closed doors, tales of sexual encounters designed to create new frissons of excitement with each turn of the page. But the fantasies in this book aren’t fiction. They are the real erotic imaginings of real women . . . and nothing is more exciting than that. Nancy Friday, whose collections of women’s sexual fantasies include My Secret Garden and Forbidden Flowers, offers up “a smorgasbord of sensual scenarios” (New Women) in this explicit New York Times bestseller that puts women in control of their sexual destinies. Nearly two hundred women contributed, in their own uncensored words and through interviews with the author, the shocking, daring, amusing, untamed, and pulse-pounding imaginings that turn them on the most. “The fantasies are fascinating,” raves Esquire magazine, no doubt because unlike anything any novel could ever truly capture, they allow open access to what women really desire.
- Published on: 1992
- Format: Import
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Paperback
- 448 pages
From Publishers Weekly In this update of My Secret Garden , her ground-breaking 1973 exploration of women's sexual fantasies, Friday demonstrates that while women of the '60s and '70s were likely to imagine themselves as sexual submissives, those of the '80s and '90s fantasize being in charge of the erotic situation. She remains a hearty proponent of masturbation, contending that it teaches women to be at ease with their bodies and the pursuit of sexual pleasure. Her findings are based on patterns found in the enthusiastic, often erotically charged letters she elicited from women aged 14 to 61 and transcribes here. The respondents, most in their mid-20s and diverse in upbringing, marital status and sexual preference, envision themselves as seductresses, dominatrixes, exhibitionists, nurturers and men. First sexual experiences are recalled, confirmed heterosexuals admit fascination with lesbian acts, a former nun talks about her change of plans, an occasional dog gets in on the action. This absorbing, titillating and empowering feminist book is also a ribald bedside companion. First serial rights to Glamour; Literary Guild alternate; author tour. Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Kirkus Reviews Oh, that bathtub faucet. Only the Water Pik shower massage gets more kudos from Friday's respondents in this sequel to My Secret Garden (1973)--though dogs come in for considerable praise. Friday reports that, while this project was underway, a friend asked her whether she was writing ``another of your masturbatory books, Nancy.'' Friday was affronted, believing that her books open up discourse on taboo subjects, break new ground in exposing the inner lives of half of the human race, help people feel they're normal, promote understanding between the sexes, etc. And perhaps they do--but it cannot be denied that fully 75% of this book consists of women's first-person X-rated fantasies. Friday's role as commentator on the fantasies may prompt irreverent associations with the impassive, analytical doctors once used to introduce porn films and lend them an air of legitimacy. Her conclusions are: that the generation of women now in their 20s are less abashed about their sexuality than the women in My Secret Garden; that they are comfortable with masturbation; relish their power rather than seek to be overpowered by a man; and sometimes are so angry and fed up with men that they turn to other women. Some of Friday's sweeping generalizations may cause controversy, such as her analysis that feminists hate porn not because it victimizes women but because they can't accept that other women actually enjoy flaunting their power so flagrantly. One thing is for sure: Women have made no progress, judging from these accounts, in finding an erotic language of their own but are relying on the same old blunt, aggressive, consonant- constricted terms of men's porn. Women speaking of ``getting their rocks off'' just doesn't cut it--but maybe that's a subject for a future Friday project. -- Copyright ©1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Review "Newsweek" Another Friday blockbuster."Esquire" The fantasies are fascinating."New Woman" A smorgasbord of sensual scenarios.
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