Free PDF Inside the Magic Kingdom : Seven Keys to Disney's Success, by Tom Connellan
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Inside the Magic Kingdom : Seven Keys to Disney's Success, by Tom Connellan
Free PDF Inside the Magic Kingdom : Seven Keys to Disney's Success, by Tom Connellan
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From Booklist
Those who worry that corporations have become excessively big and powerful must still admit that firms such as McDonald's, Wal-Mart, and Disney have got at least one thing right. They know how to keep the customer satisfied and coming back for more! Connellan, a senior principal in a consulting firm specializing in customer loyalty and coauthor of Sustaining Knock Your Socks Off Service (1993), holds up Disney in particular as exemplary. Here he re-creates a fictional visit to Disney's Magic Kingdom to bring to life examples of the customer service concepts Disney practices. Connellan was neither encouraged nor authorized by Disney management to write this book, but he did attend a Disney University seminar in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, to learn more about the "Disney approach to leadership, people management, [and] service quality." David Rouse
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From the Inside Flap
Disney is recognized and admired around the world. The company's remarkable success comes from its ability to keep customers coming back again and again. Almost 70 percent of Magic Kingdom guests are return visitors. Now, the principles that drive the culture and phenomenal success of Disney are disclosed in this fun, easy-to-read book. Based on interviews and discussions with past and present Disney employees, it reveals seven key lessons that can be applied in any company and provides powerful examples that will help employees at any level become more customer focused. You'll learn: How Disney creates and sustains one of the most powerful corporate cultures ever Whos the real competition for Disney and your company How to get all employees to understand and believe that they play an important role The type of feedback that is even more damaging than punishment and how to avoid this common trap The special way Disney cast members learn teamwork and how you can put that into practice at your company You'll also learn many insider secrets that will make you a hero to your children and a fun traveling companion on your next trip to the Magic Kingdom! Some of the lessons youll take from Disney's powerful customer service culture include: --How to track customer satisfaction like Tinkerbell and get real-time data and high response rates (page 70) --How to use powerful methods like Disney's "Guest Service Fanatic" cards and the "Spirit of Disney Award" to recognize, celebrate, and reward quality work (pages 87 and 90) --How to best respond to a question like "What time does the 3:00 parade start?" (page 126) --How to model your selection and training on such successful programs as "Traditions," "Wish upon a Star," and "We've Come a Long Way, Mickey" (page 139) --How to create a feeling of partnership with outside vendors so they become part of your team (page 163)
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Product details
Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Peak Performance; 1 edition (March 25, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1885167237
ISBN-13: 978-1885167231
Product Dimensions:
5.9 x 0.8 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
90 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#212,393 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Connellan creates a fictional situation in which five executives (previously strangers) meet for several days of discussion at Disney World under the supervision of "Mort Vandeleur" (whom none of them had previously known) to learn why 70% of Magic Kingdom guests are return visitors. Vandeleur is a former cast member of both Disneyland and Disney World who now earns his living as a consultant to other companies to improve their customer relationships. Do not ignore the importance of the phrase "cast member" and the word "guest" because both are essential to understanding two of the primary reasons for the success of all of Disney's Magic Kingdoms: the role of each Disney employee, and, how each visitor is treated by all employees. Indeed, both are essential to creating and then sustaining the "magic" of those communities. By design, the five executives are significantly different in terms of their previous business experiences, expectations upon arrival, personalities, initial reactions to Vandeleur, and (most importantly) the process of learning throughout interaction with him, each other, and various guests as well as cast members.It would be a disservice both to Connellan and to the reader to reveal the seven "Lessons" which each of the five learns. However, I do want to note that Connellan (unlike Vandeleur) has never worked for Disney in any capacity. Also, that he assumes full responsibility for the book he has written, presumably written with the knowledge but not with the necessary approval of Disney. Also, that each of the "Gang of Five" is fictitious, as are all cast members identified by name except Michael Eisner, Dick Nunis, and Judson Green. Finally, that Connellan includes several of his own ideas about creating magic, such as Lesson 7: "Xvxryonx makxs a diffxrxncx."As indicated in his previous books and articles, Connellan has a great deal of value to say about how to provide consistently superior customer service. What I found especially beneficial in this book is Connellan's emphasis on the importance of collaboration throughout any organization to provide such service. I am reminded of a scene near the end of the film Spartacus when the victorious Roman general (played by Olivier) and his slavemaster (played by Ustinov) make their way among the defeated gladiators looking for their leader or someone who will identify his body. Finally, one by one, the gladiators stand and each asserts "I am Spartacus!" Each cast member, in a sense, IS the Magic Kingdom. (How many of those in your own organization feel the same pride and passion?) My point is that, yes, Connellan examines superior customer service at Disney World and does so quite well but he also provides excellent insights into the total dependence of such service (there and elsewhere) on those who feel privileged (key word) to provide it. Most will find this an "easy read" so I conclude with a word of caution: The situation may be fictitious and, on occasion, developments may seem contrived but stay with the narrative to its conclusion. The lessons learned can help to guide and inform the transformation any organization into a Magic Kingdom.
Inside the Magic Kingdom was a very light read on how Disney treats their customers and employees. The journey is in story format. It is a make believe adventure of adults who go to the Disney Park to learn about the reason Disney is successful. The lessons are light hearted but are logical and can be of great help. This book is not about specifics related to the Disney Company. It is simply observations of the author about why Disney is successful. It is a very quick read with not much depth. I think it is very valuable to any business owner/ customer relations representative but realize it is not a true in depth look at the company.
Written in the form of an easy to follow story, this book reveals some of the simple brilliance of Disney's Customer "Experience." If you own a business (or are looking at starting a business) this should be a must read. Business owners take far too much for granted, and fail to take the time to see themselves through their "customer's eyes." Disney understands how critical this concept is, and this book shows you how simple the ideas are to apply to your business.
I was in the process of introducing some new processes relating to dealing with our cusotmers, so I purchased this book. It is wonderful - and if you want a real treat attend the park after reading it. It will amaze you how this organization goes out of their way to EXCEED the customer's expectations. In the world today, it seems customer service is no longer a priority to some establishments.
This book is life changing, when I start my company, my staff will train and use this text as a guide and a reference point to give Exceptional Customer Service. I read this text as a requirement for my Service Representative Course at church. We were tested on it.
Like knowing how Disney operates. It's interesting. Wish I had read this before our Magic Kingdom trip!
An easy to read look at what the focus on customer experience has done for Disney, and can do for companies who look to the details rather than the bottom line.
This is a great book that provides wonderful strategies and perspectives for building a great service business. I would recommend.
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